Condolences. Unhappily a JW memorial is as described. They do have someone from the witnesses relate an anecdote at times in addition to the preacher. He will read verbatim the information from the remembrance card( I cant think of the proper name) complete with mispronouncing names. Then say " she wanted you to know" ; then go into the sermon part. The song will most likely be a recording from their song book, nothing else allowed. Be aware the songs go from tolerable to dismal in arrangement and tune. I have heard applause twice at the end like it was a play or movie. 🙄
If they have a reception you may be able to read your poem there. Ask. You can post it on the funeral home memorial page. Or put it here, we will appreciate the sentiment.
I know of a few who have forgone any memorial, i think because of the disappointed hope they had.